About LiveWell

LiveWell is a movement - an initiative to help you live...well!
Under the umbrella of the Northwest Michigan Chronic Disease Prevention Coalition (NMCDPC), LiveWell has partnered with local community health coalitions to promote healthier lifestyles and aid in the reduction of obesity and chronic disease rates, within the District Health Department #10 jurisdiction.

Learn about the Northwest Michigan Chronic Disease Prevention Coalition (NMCDPC) within this tab. Here you will find current projects, meeting dates, committee information, member directory, and more!
Wellness Programs
Are you looking for health-focused programs? This is the section for you! Here you will find stop smoking resources, diabetes classes, worksite wellness offerings, and more!
Your Community
Hover over this tab, within the menu bar, to find your community. Here you will find information about your local health coalition, community events, resources, contact information, and more!

Classes, programs, and events covering multiple counties are shared here, so you can find out what is happening near you.
Contact Us
Can't find something? Need more information? Contact us!